
Case Examples



For Clients
About Us
Why Choose Carico Law?
There are many reasons why a client who is seeking to appeal a judgement or verdict
better served with an attorney who specializes in appellate law, than to remain
the previous trial counsel. The areas of trial law and appellate law are not
the same–
requiring such specialized training as to make it extremely impractical (if not
to be proficient, let alone effective in both.
Why your previous trial attorney isn’t necessarily the best
Trial lawyers operate in a far different area of practice than the Court of Appeal.
Although retaining your trial attorney might appear to be the logical choice,
since he or
she knows the intimate details of the case, and was present for all witnesses
and arguments–
trial attorneys operate “in the moment”, and can overlook events,
issues or errors that
might have made a difference during the trial.
The very nature of a trial is that facts and events unfold in real time, often
with no opportunity
for the trial counsel to reflect or consider other issues. This is why the dispassionate
objective eye of an appellate attorney can often be the key to a successful appeal.
A legal specialist increases the likelihood of success
in pursuing an appeal
An appellate practice is a specialty that is different from trial
practice. Someone seeking to defend themselves against a DUI
charge would consult a criminal defense attorney with experience
in DUI cases, as opposed to using a general criminal attorney
or an attorney who does not practice criminal law at all.
The fact is, clients who want or need their case heard at the
appellate level need an experienced
attorney who devotes much or his or her practice to appellate law.
Although some trial attorneys
have significant appellate experience, that is the exception rather than
the rule– most do not.
How Carico Law is different than
trial counsel
David Carico has committed over 35 years of his career to developing
the highly specialized
skills necessary to successfully practice appellate law, and
negotiate the intricacies of
The Court of Appeal. His depth of knowledge on appellate case
law, what review standards
a particular case requires, and an ability to discern relevant
issues makes him the right choice
when considering an appeal.
When pursuing a case on appeal, he employs a team approach with
experts in various
disciplines, methodically reviews the entire trial record, and
looks for possible errors made by
opposing counsel, trial counsel or the court, as well as a thorough
review of the evidence.
In many cases, he will re-investigate witnesses, prepare new
strategies, and even look for
additional evidence overlooked in trial. David has cultivated
valuable contacts with law professors and is able to bring that
additional body of knowledge to bear on a case– with the
end result being
that appellate justices are more likely to take notice when they
see declarations from
judicial scholars, in addition to a well argued appellate brief.
> For a profile
on David Carico, click here.
To contact David for a consulation on
your case, please call (310) 299-2407.