of Terms


Sample Briefs, Writs
and Motions

Useful Links

Below are pages that contain information
that is educational for both the layman and legal professional.
Feel free to use this section as a resource for those either
contemplating an appeal, or who are engaged in one.
Glossary of
The language of the Court has very specific and different meanings from words
in everyday use. The terms the Court uses also frequently employs latin as a
matter of custom, practice and brevity.
Court Descriptions
The US system of law contains checks and balances known as the appellate court.
It is the right of anyone to seek a review of their case before the Court of
Appeal after a lower court trial or hearing. The state and local venues (courts)
vary in what types of cases can be heard. As a rule, the majority of cases that
are heard are handled by the state district appellate courts, or, by a federal
district appellate court. With each rise in the level of appeal, the issues being
presented must be commensurate with that court. Supreme Courts, both State and
Federal, reserve hearing only cases that address the most important and fundamental
issues of law.
Sample Briefs,
Writs and Motions
For most attorneys, The Court of Appeal is a foreign experience, with very different
rules, demands and expectations when filing any motion or brief compared to the
trial court. The years David has invested in his appellate law practice has resulted
in a wealth of knowledge and insight into how the court works, and an attention
to detail that can prevent potential errors.
Useful Links
This is a compendium of various court links, both state and federal.